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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together

Red Nose Day - FRIDAY 18TH MARCH

This year we will be taking part in the Red Nose Day- ‘Superheroes’ on Friday 18thth March


We are asking for a donation of £1 to support Red Nose Day by dressing up as a ‘Superhero’ (be creative it does not need to be a real one, so need to buy an outfit!)

The School Council will also be running a competition to create ‘A Superhero Red Nose’. Templates are available but the children are invited to be creative so they can make, paint or draw the Red Nose if they wish. We ask for a 20p donation to enter and the winner from each class will be invited to attend a Tea party with Mr Westley.

The School Council will also be organising a Joke Competition. If your child wishes to take part they are asked to give one joke to their teacher as their entry. The class will vote and then the final will be held in Celebration assembly. (Please help your child to bring in jokes that are appropriate to share!)

Thank you for your support!