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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together

NSPCC Childhood Day Friday 10th June!

NSPCC Childhood Day Friday 10th June!


Dear Parents/Guardians,

The School are going to take part in the NSPCC -Childhood Day on Friday 10th June. We will be raising funds for the NSPCC and for the School Council Projects. The School Council would like to add the rainbow theme to this day to link with the rainbow colours of the Buddy Benches.

We would like each class to dress in the colours of the rainbow and have asked each class to wear a specific colour, where possible (only jumpers/t-shirts need to be the colour) –

EYFS -Yellow

Yr1 - Orange

Yr2 Indigo/pink

Yr3- Green

Yr4- Violet/purple

Yr5- Red

Yr6 – Blue

We will make a whole school rainbow using the children and take a picture from above. We would like to use a drone to do this.(If you are free and have a drone and could help Friday at 12pm please let reception know ASAP).

We are asking children to donate a £1 to come dressed in these colours, half of the money donated will go to the  NSPCC and half to School Council Projects.

The children will have an hour long playtime on Friday where staff will run a number of activities for them to join in with, for example- Hopscotch, skipping and bubbles to name just a few. Please provide appropriate sun protection as the weather looks good.

In Celebration Assembly, the Class Star will be voted by the class with the theme of them being the 'Best Friend'.

After School the School Council will be doing a Lolly Sale to continue to raise funds for the Buddy Bench and End of Year show by Professor Brainstorm. The Lollies will be 50p each.

Thank you for all your support 

The School Council and Mrs Seaton