Ground Force Day - Sunday 15th January
We would very much appreciate your support on Sunday to help prepare for Forest School!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are very excited to be developing our Forest School area for the children of DSJ to enjoy all year round.
The Forest School will have: a Mud Kitchen, art areas, a Base Camp, Fire areas to share just a few of the many plans we have for this project.
We are in need of your help! If you have any of the following that you can spare/ would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated.
*Tyres of any size
*Scaffolding boards
*Tonne bags
*Wooden planks
*Metal pots and pans/ kitchen utensils
*Fence paint
*Chalkboard paint
*Old wood
*Old tents/ pegs
*Logs/ log slices
*Bark/ woodchip
*Gardening hand tools
*wheelbarrows small or large
* Old sinks from kitchens
* railway sleepers
If you have anything that is not on the list but you think may be a good resource then please do get in touch.
We will be working hard to develop the area using as many recycled materials and natural resources as possible.
In the new year please look out for our Ground Force Day, where we will be able to invite parents/carers and children to volunteer in making our Forest School Area amazing!. In the meantime if you feel you have the skills to help us in any way then please do get in touch!
Thank you for your support
Mrs Seaton