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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together

Class News

Discover what each of our classes have been up to over the last couple of weeks...

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  • Forest School

    Published 29/01/24

    Year 1:

    Year 1 had their first sessions in the Forest School this term and have certainly settled in well. They have learnt to make lean to shelters for the Forest Goblins, cooked marshmallows by the fire and whittled sticks to cook with. They have also spent time playing on the swing, making gutter rivers, played various tunes in the music area and made various homes for our bugs. There have been many laughs and a lot of smiles as they have made full use of the area and what it has to offer.


    Year 3:

    Year 3 have enjoyed time in the Forest School this term. They have developed their skills at making lean to and A frame shelters. They have taken the principles and really developed them using a range of materials available in the area, they made some very successful shelters .

    The children have learnt how to safely use palm drills and have made a variety of medals and jewellery by putting holes in wood cookies. They have whittled sticks to cook marshmallows with, which they all enjoyed!

    The children have also developed their skills using hammers for Hapazome printing as well as enjoying many games of Elves, Wizards and Giants.

    Year 3  have worked on their cooperation and ability to communicate by taking their friends on a safe blindfold walk.

    Year3 have really enjoyed their woodland experiences this term.

    Year 6:

    The Year 6’s have enjoyed a number of fires this half term, they have learnt to light them, put wood of them safely and cook a variety of different foods safely. The cooking they have done included S’mores, Doughnuts and pizzas, all of which were prepared and cooked by them.

    Some of the children have started to use Bowsaws, Sheath knives and Bill hooks to make things to leave in the Forest for other children to use throughout the school.

    The children have enthusiastically worked on a number of cooperation tasks in teams including many Dens being made to hang out with their friends in.

    I was lucky enough to have the Year 6’s for the Friday after SATs, I took the opportunity to reward them for all their hard work leading up to the SATs and during the week. We made Pizzas and then they were responsible for cooking them over a fire and of course eating them, they were surprisingly tasty! We were able to continue the fun with a picnic and play at lunchtime rounded off with a s’mores. They all had great fun.

    Nurture Group:

    The Nurture Group of younger children have had all the seasons over the five weeks as you can see from the pictures, but nothing deterred them! In fact the rain gave them the opportunity to make mud puddles which they splashed in, sat in, did 360degree jumps into and shared many laughs together.

    They have enjoyed lots a games to build their confidence in the Forest School, these have included Scavenger Hunts, Hide and Seek, Sardines and the Hotter Colder Game. They have enjoyed cooking marshmallows on the fire and making S’mores as well.

    Afterschool Club:

    There has been a lot of fun in the Forest School  After School Club. We have had tyre racing, time by the fire cooking s’mores and doughnuts, as well as playing various games as a group. All the children have embraced the opportunities the forest offers them and have built new friendships whilst having fun. Connor’s one man band was very memorable, definitely a star in the making!


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  • Year 6's News

    Published 26/01/24


    We have been busy out in Forest School with Mrs Seaton making delicious smores and having bucket loads of fun learning about the environment!

    We have also been fortunate enough to have had cricket taster sessions, in addition to our PE lessons, which the children thoroughly enjoyed...


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  • Year 5's News

    Published 26/01/24

    In Yr5, we have been building bird boxes for DT (design & technology)!


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  • Year 4's News

    Published 26/01/24

    We love hands on learning in Year 4! At the end of last term we rounded off our history topic on The Ancient Maya by heading to the kitchen to make some authentic (ahem) hot cacao. Some of the children were brave enough to try adding some chilli and cinnamon to their drinks. We also tried guacamole, tortillas and maize couscous whilst designing our own Mayan Gods and Goddesses. We think all lessons should be accompanied by food!  


    This term we are looking forward to practising our fielding and batting skills with cricket and rounders both being covered in PE, while in Maths we have been developing our understanding of shape by building on our prior knowledge. In Geography we are increasing our knowledge of South America by focusing in on the Amazon river, and in English we have started to digest our new text The Iron Man, and have already been inspired to write some fantastic diary entries. We are excited to find out what becomes of the Iron Man as we continue to read…  

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  • Year 3's News

    Published 26/01/24

     In year 3 this week we have been up to lots of exciting things.

    This term we have been looking at Shape so far in Maths, in particular, angles. We have learnt about right angles and an angle that is smaller than a right angle is called acute and an angle that is bigger than a right angle is obtuse. We had an exciting lesson where we walked in to masking tape being on the tables. We had to search for and label all the angles we could see.


    We have also really enjoyed our time in the library to Drop Everything & Read. We all picked up our books and spent 15 minutes calmly reading. It was really lovely!


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  • Year 2's News

    Published 26/01/24

    In year 2, we have been making our own salads this week with Mrs Hilless!


    We have also been dissecting plants to see what is inside...


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  • Year 1's News

    Published 26/01/24

    On Monday, Year 1 discovered something very exciting on the school field. Lots of us thought that the parts belonged to a spaceship that had been hit by a meteorite. In the classroom we drew what we thought the spaceship looked like and who might have been inside. We had lots of great ideas! We then started to read our new text in English “Beegu” about an alien that has crash-landed! 



    We also had our first video call with an international school in Mumbai. We asked them lots of questions about life in Mumbai and they asked us questions about life in England. We are looking forward to calling them again soon to find out the answers to our questions!

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  • Reception's News

    Published 26/01/24

    Our walk to the Library...

    Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents that walked down to the library with us- your help is greatly received. Thank you! We had lots of fun exploring Market Deeping's Library, and we were even fortunate enough to spot the Fire Engine as we walked past the fire station.  


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