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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together

Year 3's News

In year 3 this week we have been up to lots of exciting things.


In PE, we have been playing tennis, it has been really nice to get out in the sunshine, and the children have really enjoyed it, until we got caught in the rain!



We had our ‘Let’s talk Rubbish’ Workshop, and the children had excellent knowledge of what goes in which bins!

We have been focusing on our gross motor skills, forming letters and numbers outside using different materials.

In science, we did an exciting experiment to see how things move on different surfaces! We found that the car travelled the furthest on the tiled floor, and it did not travel at all on the bubble wrap, which the children found extremely funny!


Then we looked at the Easter story in Religion, and we had some bread and wine (black current) to symbolise the body and blood of Jesus. Yummy!


That's all for this week - check back in a fortnight for our next news update!