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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together


Each of our year groups is now named after one of the 7 continents! To find out more about each class, their teachers & what your children are learning, press 'read more'!

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  • Africa- Reception

    Published 23/09/24

    Welcome to Reception Class

    We hope you find the information below interesting and useful.

    Our class teachers are Mrs Hines and Mrs Allen. Our class TA is Mrs Croxford.

    Reception class follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Much of the teaching and learning is done through play based and child initiated activities. Taking the children's interests as a starting point, the teacher will plan a variety of activities designed to develop and extend children's learning and understanding. Children's learning is recorded in an online individual learning journal which may include photographs, observations and samples of work, both independent and teacher led. Parents are encouraged to contribute and share in these journals.

    At Deeping St James, we acknowledge the involvement of parents in their children's learning and strive to work closely with them. For many, Reception will be their first experience of school. With this in mind, our aim is to make this as pleasurable and stress free as possible, for both the children and the parents. We provide a warm, inviting environment for learning and activities are planned carefully to provide a positive context for learning and teaching, both indoors and outdoors.

    If you have a child who is starting Reception then you are probably wondering about how you can support them at home. The truth is that as a parent, the best thing you can do is provide them with experiences. Simple things like a walk on an Autumn day looking at leaves and acorns; going to the seaside and experiencing the sea and the sand; pulling weeds out of the garden and observing the insects and also how plants grow (and die sometimes!); playing with water, pouring it from container to container; making buns and painting. All of these things will give your child the confidence to go out and seek new experiences since they have had such positive experiences of learning. Please see the booklet attached below for more information (click on the blue writing). Staff are available at both the beginning and end of the school day should you wish to discuss any matters you may have.

    How can I help to prepare my child for school?

    For other useful information, please look at the attached EYFS booklet. 

    Plus, each week our 'Weekly Overview' is uploaded below so that you can keep up to date with what we are learning/experiencing at school. 

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  • Antartica- Year 1

    Published 23/09/24

    Welcome to Year 1

    Our Y1 class teacher is Mrs Smith and Mrs Pasqualino and our teaching assistants are Miss Drury, Mrs Ilic & Mrs Tawn. 

    We offer an open door to Year 1 and are always happy to talk to parents about any issues. 

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  • Asia- Year 2

    Published 23/09/24

    Welcome to Year 2


    Mrs Day

    Hello my name is Mrs Day and this is my second year at DSJ.  I have been a primary school teacher for 6 years and love it! I thoroughly enjoy being a part of the children's journey through school and I pride myself on making learning fun! 

    Also in class two we have our Teaching Assistant; Mrs Roberts who supports the teaching and learning every morning, and Mrs Meakin as our 1:1 support.

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  • Oceania- Year 3

    Published 23/09/24

    Welcome to Year 3


    Miss McGarrity


    I am Miss McGarrity, and I am really looking forward to my second year teaching at Deeping St James. I am looking forward to working with all support staff to ensure a smooth transition for the children from KS1 to KS2 is, whilst making year 3 an exciting and safe learning experience for all. I am excited to take on the journey with the new year 3s alongside the new experiences and challenges that come with teaching.

    My favourite subjects are English and PSHE having completed a Master’s degree in Education and English. When I am not at school, you will find me spending time with family and friends, hiking in the countryside and exploring new countries.

    Our Team

    We also have 3 Teaching Assistants working in our Y3 team: Mrs Magness, Mrs Merrimen and Mrs Stevens.

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  • Europe- Year 4

    Published 23/09/24


    Welcome to Year 4

    This year in our teaching team we have Mrs Kornfeld, Mrs Glover & Mrs Simson:

    Mrs Kornfeld - Class Teacher (Mon, Tues, Weds)

    Hello, my name is Mrs Kornfeld,. I am teaching alongside Mrs Glover in Year 4 and I am enjoying getting to know the children. I have been teaching for quite a few years.  I have spent most of my teaching life in Year 6, although I have also taught in KS1. I have previously taught in a few different schools in Peterborough but have spent most of my career at St. John’s Primary School in Orton Goldhay, where I was Assistant School Leader. In the last few years, I have been working from home as a project lead, whilst raising my three young children. If I have any spare time, I enjoy hunting for bargains at local charity shops, cooking, going to the theatre, and writing for a local magazine.


    Mrs Glover - Class Teacher (Weds, Thurs, Fri)

    Hello, my name is Mrs Glover. I have been teaching at DSJ since 2001 when I joined as a newly qualified teacher. I have loved it here so much that I am still here all these years later!!!! I initially began teaching full time, but have been part time since 2008 when I had my first child. I have experience of teaching throughout the primary age but particularly enjoy teaching lower Key Stage 2.

    I am subject lead for Art and Design within school and my interests generally lie in anything creative. I am passionate about subjects that allow children to express themselves, and in a way that everyone can have the opportunity to succeed.

    In my spare time, I enjoy walking with our family dog and gardening. Children that I have taught previously know that I also love butterflies.


    Mrs Simson - Teaching Assistant (All Week)

    Hello, I’m Mrs Simson and I have been working in schools since my youngest was 3. Like many mums, I changed my career path to fit around my children. Now my girls are older, I could move away from education and take advantage of cheaper holidays (!), but I LOVE my job and I know that I make a difference to young people’s lives, so as long as DSJ need me, I will stay. (Nanny McPhee!!!)

    I joined DSJ in April 2020, during the pandemic, when schools first went into bubbles. My fun and laughter at DSJ started in those strange times and I haven’t looked back!




    Teaching & Learning in Year 4

    We have a broad and balanced curriculum in Y4 which builds on prior knowledge from KS1 and Y3. You can find out more information about our class and our learning in our Welcome to Year 4 Booklet and Y4 Curriculum Overviews below - click on the links or scroll down to the bottom of our class page to access PDF versions.

    Class Website Booklet:  


    Meet the Teacher PowerPoint Slides:             

                                               Year 4 English Overview:                                                     


                                                       Year 4 Mathematics Coverage:                                                   


    Y3/4 Statutory Word List

    Please find PDFs of the Y1/2 and Y5/6 statutory words at the bottom of this page - if required. 


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  • North America- Year 5

    Published 23/09/24

    Welcome to Year 5!

    Year 5 is taught by Mr Bell, our head of English. 

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  • South America- Year 6

    Published 23/09/24

    Welcome to Year 6 !

    My name is Mrs Hutton and I have been a full-time teacher since 2016.  

    I enjoy teaching all areas of the national curriculum and in particular, English and all of the Arts.  I also love teaching outdoors and am interested in all aspects of the natural world.  I am subject leader for RE.  

    Obviously this final year of learning in primary school concludes with SATS examinations, however it also includes many extra curricular opportunities to help the children's personal development prior to them transferring to secondary school.  Over the course of the year I will be downloading photos of some of these events and activities, starting with our residential trip to Hilltop, Norfolk.  

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