Eco Green Flag School
Eco Schools
At our school we have a team of children who enrol as the schools carbon ambassadors. These ambassadors meet regularly to work on initiatives to support the whole school’s awareness of key environmental issues.
We are proud to say our Eco Ambassadors were award the SKDC Community Awards for Green School project in October 2022. See the News for more details!
Areas worked on by the club so far include;
Reducing litter
Reducing electricity use
Developing our levels of recycling
Encouraging all children to make considered healthier snack and packed lunch choices
Some of the activities that the Eco Club have undertaken include;
- Providing recycling bins for each classroom from funds raised by the club.
- Improving our school grounds with planting projects.
- Organising annual switch off fortnight events to raise energy use awareness.
- Revamping the school environmental classroom to create an Eco Clubhouse.
- Learning about how different materials decompose.
- Running an annual stall at the school summer fete. We had a fabulous herby planter stall and a recycled watering can competition.
This years projects include;
- Completing our Clubhouse
- Continuing to develop the school grounds.
- Running a whole school competition to make a Bird feeder from recycled materials.
- Running the annual switch off fortnight with a 'Design an energy saving message' competition.
- Looking at ways to use less water.