Welcome to Deeping St James Community Primary School and the Governors section of the website.
The Governing Body acts as a critical friend for the school and informs its strategic direction. Our governors provide high quality governance for the school with strong, autonomous school leadership which drives educational success. The Governing Body challenges and supports the school, sets the strategic direction in conjunction with school management, manages school performance and ensures financial probity with rigorous audit, risk management and a strong focus on value for money. Our governors are an enthusiastic and dedicated group of parents, teachers and people from the local community.
If you would like to find out more about the roles and responsibilities of our Governing Body, please go to the "Meet The Governors" section.
A school's governing body is a corporate body. This means that it has a legal existence separate from that of its individual members. If governors have acted without ulterior motive, honestly, reasonably and within the law and regulations, they cannot be held to account as individuals for any liabilities incurred by the governing body.
The role of the school governor and governing body is:
to take a strategic overview of school related issues
to set a broad framework within which the headteacher can work
concerned with the general oversight of the conduct of the school
Our Vision:
To challenge and support our school to meet its aspirations in becoming an outstanding school.
Please note: The headteacher is responsible for the organisation and management within the school.
We currently have a vacancy for the community and Local Authourity Governor on the Governing Board.
Please contact the school office for further details.