Lincolnshire Mini Police
Lincolnshire Police Mini Police Programme
We are very excited that Deeping St James CP School is now part of the Lincolnshire Police Mini Police programme. The programme is for children aged 9-11years (upper KS2) who will be ambassadors for our school, local community and for Lincolnshire Police. This programme links PSHE, Fundamental British Values (FBV) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) programmes of study in schools.
The Mini Police will work on local priorities such as school parking, bike marking, crime prevention and safe strangers. They will also work on national priorities such as Anti-Bullying, Anti-Social behaviour, scams and challenging diversity. The Mini Police will meet regularly with the local PCSO and work on one small project and one large project each term. They will lead their own projects and bring their ideas.
Mini Police Responsibilities
High attendance
Good behaviour
Working towards ensuring all pupils respect each other
Addressing conflicts or problems in school
Take part in playground patrols wearing their Mini Police uniform celebrating good behaviour and identifying bad behaviour
Provide and share advice and information to pupils, parents and members of the community.
Solve day to day issues at school
Mini Police Speed Checks project
On Friday 14th June, the Mini Police went on a visit to check for speeding vehicles using a speed gun with two local PCSO’s. The Mini Police with supervision from the PCSO’s completed speed checks to see what speed vehicles were doing along the Spalding Road which is a 30mph road. The Mini Police checked the speed of a vehicle and held up an appropriate happy green face for speed under 30mph and a red unhappy face for any speed over 30mph. It was a very interesting afternoon for the Mini Police who have learnt a lot about road safety and they especially enjoyed using the speed gun and watching the speed to see if anyone was breaking the law!
This activity was part of the Lincolnshire Fatal Four project that the Mini Police have been working on this term. The Fatal Four are about knowing the risks around speeding, drink driving, seatbelts and mobile phone use at the wheel. They learnt why we have speed restrictions on our roads, what the speeds are on certain roads and why and what are the Fatal Four. The aim is for the Mini Police to spread the information about the Fatal Four and the dangers and consequences of them.