The FRIENDS is the name for our Parent Teacher Association. We have two simple aims;
Fund raising to support Mr Westley and his team to ensure our children have the very best experience at school.
Providing fun activities for the children to socialise and have a good time, outside of school.
At the heart of what we do there is a core committee of parents and teachers who get involved in the planning and financial management of the FRIENDS which is a charitable organisation. However, many other people also help and we rely heavily on parents supporting events by running a stall, bringing in items for the tombola, baking cakes or simply attending events and getting involved.
We are incredibly lucky to have teachers and support staff that are always so willing to give up their time and commit to supporting out of school events. This enables us to put on activities such as Megazone (youth club) and discos or any activity where you leave your children with us. Safe supervision is vital and without this staff commitment we would not be able to run such events.
We ALWAYS need help so if you want to get involved please contact myself or a member of the committee. We have linked committee members to classes where they have children to help you to identify us. Below is a list of just a few things that we have helped to make possible. I think you will agree that our school would feel quite differently without these activities;
- Summer and Christmas Fair
- Easter Egg Hunts
- Bingo and quiz nights
- Megazone (youth club) and film nights In addition we have provided funding to support;
- The KS2 playground markings
- KS1 train and outside play area
- The environmental area including regular stock of plants and equipment
- Teaching resources such as computer software and a range of video cameras and headphone equipment
- Massive investment in the music department funding music equipment, CD and headphones a PA system and a new stage
- Christmas Pantomines
- Kitchen equipment for children to use
- High visibility vest to help to keep children safe whilst on visits or walking to church or the pool
- Year 6 leavers’ party and the coach for the annual trip to Hilltop
- Blinds for classrooms
Without the FRIENDS many of these extra would not happen due to the fact that the core budget is not designed to meet these levels of extras. We can’t imagine a school without these extras and that is why the FRIENDS of school give up their time to get involved.
If you think they are important then come along to a meeting or contact a member of the committee for details on how to help.
Chair of 'The Friends' contact:
Mrs Becky Barrett